As Minnesota sneakerheads, it’s a problem we’re faced with every winter (Winter may seem far away, but it’ll sneak up on you before you know it). Do you rock your dopest kicks, or do you leave them in the box? You look outside, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to snow, but it’s wet all over the sidewalk and it also appears there’s lots of salt chilling everywhere. Do you dare??
As someone who’s been through many a Minnesota winter, I’m here to tell you it’s not at all worth it, and offer you some stylish suggestions for winter kicks. Put the white/suede/super icy kicks back in the box and take a look at this list of do’s and don’ts. When that first patch of nasty winter weather hits, you’ll be thankful that you did.
-Have a fresh pair of Timberlands in rotation. Whether wheat or black, you can never go wrong with the classic 6 inch boot.
– Rock all-black or winterized/trail models of shoes you already like, such as an Air Max 95, or SL Loop.
-Try out various brands of boots, like Palladium or Red Wing.
-Spray waterproofer on your kicks. Not only will it keep them (and your feet) from getting soiled, it’ll keep the salt from wearing down the uppers.
-Wear any Roshe Runs or Frees. Yes, they’re comfy, and yes, they’re lightweight, but they’re terrible winter shoes. You’ll destroy them by the time the spring rolls around.
– Insist on wearing your white kicks. Even though you might manage to keep them clean by some small miracle, when it’s grey and gloomy outside white kicks aren’t the best look.
– Try to rock your best heat all winter. Even though it’s always fun to stunt, is it really worth destroying your best kicks over?
-Complain about conditions. We all know it sucks. Tough it out, and make sure your collection is A1 for spring. It’ll be here sooner than you think.
So there it is. As we gear up for the winter months, just remember there are warmer days ahead..and there are some great winter kicks that can’t be worn year round. Keep grinding and stacking up your collection in the cold months, and you’ll be ready to floss all winter!
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