It’s been a wild year for sneakers. From releases to news to rumors and speculation, there was always something going on from the beginning of January to the end of December. Yeah, the game was engaging (to say the least) in 2016.
But looking back at it all at the end of the year, do you know what the craziest story had to be? No, it’s not Yeezy related (don’t worry). It’s the Fragment I’s, one of the most valuable Jordan I’s on the market popping up at discount chain retailer Marshalls.
Quick backstory for those of you who may not be familiar: sneakerheads began posting on Twitter and Instagram that they were finding Fragment I’s at Marshalls. At first, most people thought it was a hoax. A shoe that sold out instantly upon release (which was over two years ago, mind you) and now goes for well over $1,000 available for below retail price at a discount shopping store ? Yeah right.
But as time went on and more and more images hit the Net, even the most hardened sneaker veterans came to realize the truth: the Fragment I’s really were available at Marshalls. How a shoe that rare and popular got so far down Nike’s supply chain that it went to a store that pays pennies on the dollar for their goods is beyond us … but we’ve got to respect all the sneakerheads who took advantage of the craziest situation of 2016.
If nothing else, it goes to show one thing: you really never know what’s gonna happen next in the sneaker game.
What did you think about the Fragment I’s winding up in Marshalls? Did you or anyone you know manage to scoop a pair? Hit us up and let us know on Twitter, check our Facebook page for daily updates, and, as always, be sure to follow us on Instagram for all the fire sneaker pictures you can handle.
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